2025 Chrism Masses 2023Posted on the 18th Feb 2023 in the category Events
Bishops of The Society will be celebrating the following Chrism Masses:
Bishop of Wakefield 11.30am on Monday 3 April at S. Peter, Barnsley *
Bishop of Beverley 6pm on Sunday 2 April at S. Aidan, Sunderland 11.30am on Monday 3 April at S. Peter, Barnsley * 11.30am on Tuesday 4 April at Manchester Cathedral
Bishop of Burnley 6pm on Sunday 2 April at Holy Trinity, Tarleton
Bishop of Fulham 11am on Tuesday 4 April at S. Andrew, Holborn
Bishop of Lewes 12pm on Wednesday 5 April at S. Saviour, Eastbourne For all parishes in the Diocese of Chichester with the Bishop of Chichester preaching
Bishop of Oswestry 11.30am on Monday 27 March at Worcester Cathedral 11.30am on Thursday 30 March at Bristol Cathedral 11.30am on Monday 3 April at Lichfield Cathedral 11am on Tuesday 4 April at Exeter Cathedral
Bishop of Richborough 11am on Saturday 1 April at Guildford Cathedral 12pm on Monday 3 April at Chelmsford Cathedral 12pm on Tuesday 4 April at Canterbury Cathedral 12pm on Wednesday 5 April at S. Mary, Walsingham
* A joint Chrism Mass for the See of Beverley & for Society parishes in the Diocese of Leeds