2024 Posted on the 23rd Sep 2022 in the category Events
The planned Taster Day in Horbury will now be taking place on Zoom rather than in person. It will run from 10.00am to 12noon (the link will be open from 9.45am). Email to register.
Posted on the 8th Sep 2022 in the category Statements
The Society's Council of Bishops records its deep sadness at the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second. Her Majesty steadfastly witnessed to the Christian Faith for just over seventy years as monarch and administered the responsibilities as our nation's head of state dutifully and without complaint in that time. We are all poorer for Her Majesty's death and we offer our heartfelt prayers for the repose of Her Majesty's soul and for all those who mourn across this nation, the nations of the Commonwealth and indeed all the nations of the world. We ask that God will make his presence known to the Royal Family at this time of grieving.