2025 Posted on the 23rd Oct 2022 in the category Announcements
We urge supporters of The Society, and those sympathetic to its aims, to attend Fr Stephen Race SSC’s consecration as Bishop of Beverley on the Feast of Saint Andrew the Apostle, at 11am on Wednesday 30 November, in York Minster, wherever that is feasible. It would be great to see the Minster full for this special occasion. We ask, whether you can attend the consecration or not, to join with us in a novena of prayer to mark this important moment in the life of The Society. The novena (available here) runs from Tuesday 22 to Wednesday 30 November and links us through prayer to the consecration and to Fr Stephen’s episcopal ministry within the Church.
Posted on the 11th Oct 2022 in the category Announcements
The Society’s Council of Bishops is delighted that Fr Stephen Race SSC has been appointed as the next Bishop of Beverley by the Archbishop of York. Fr Stephen’s service to the Church has been rooted in parochial ministry in the Wakefield episcopal area in the Diocese of Leeds. While firmly grounded in the Catholic wing of the Church of England, his ministry has also encompassed other Anglican traditions as is the case currently in one of the parishes in his Benefice in Barnsley.
Bishop Tony Robinson commented:
Fr Stephen’s consecration will be on St Andrew’s Day in York Minster. A novena of prayer will be made available in due course for all those who want to link themselves through prayer to the consecration and to Fr Stephen’s episcopal ministry within the Church. The novena will run from 22 to 30 November.
On this St Wilfrid’s Day, we offer The Society prayer for the parishes, clergy and people of the See of Beverley:
Heavenly Father, bless the bishops, clergy and people of The Society. Bind us together in love and faith. Renew us in service and witness. And by your Holy Spirit Guide our future and make plain your purposes. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Saint Wilfrid, pray for us. Saint Hilda, pray for us.