2025 Posted on the 2nd May 2023 in the category Announcements
Your prayers are asked for all candidates as they prepare for ordination in the coming months. In the context of The Society, your prayers are specifically asked for the candidates listed immediately below – either the candidate is registered with The Society, or the parish / parishes in which the candidate serves / will serve is / are registered with The Society, or the ordaining bishop is a bishop of The Society and is acting in that capacity. A selection of prayers is available here. Any additions or corrections to this list of Society-related ordinations for 2023 are to be sent by email to as soon as possible, please – thank you.
Ordinations to the DiaconateJoshua Pollard at 11am on Saturday 24 June at Southwark Cathedral by the Bishop of Southwark Richard Keeble at 3pm on Sunday 25 June at Chichester Cathedral by the Bishop of Chichester Ben Scott at 3pm on Sunday 25 June at Chichester Cathedral by the Bishop of Chichester Rachel Fielding* at 10.30am on Saturday 1 July at Blackburn Cathedral by the Bishop of Blackburn Jean Kouacou at 10.30am on Saturday 1 July at Blackburn Cathedral by the Bishop of Blackburn Duncan Hegan at 11am on Saturday 1 July at St Andrew, Holborn by the Bishop of Fulham Roger Turner at 11am on Saturday 1 July at St Andrew, Holborn by the Bishop of Fulham Joseph Harrison at 11am on Saturday 1 July at Bradford Cathedral by the Bishop of Leeds Kenny Wickens at 3pm on Saturday 1 July at Exeter Cathedral by the Bishop of Exeter Gareth Gladman at 10am on Sunday 2 July at Durham Cathedral by the Bishop of Durham Raymond Parkin at 5.30pm on Sunday 2 July at Sheffield Cathedral by the Bishop of Beverley Timothy Davies at 7.30pm on Monday 3 July at Bristol Cathedral by the Bishop of Oswestry
Ordinations to the Sacred PriesthoodFr Thomas Cotterill at 5pm on Sunday 4 June at St Paul, Brighton by the Bishop of Lewes Fr Jonathan Roberts at 7pm on Thursday 15 June at St Michael, Coppenhall by the Bishop of Beverley Fr Daniel Heaton at 4pm on Saturday 24 June at St Peter, Horbury by the Bishop of Wakefield Fr Philip Garrett at 4pm on Sunday 25 June at St Michael & All Angels, Cross Heath by the Bishop of Oswestry Fr Sebastian Way at 6pm on Wednesday 28 June at St Giles, Reading by the Bishop of Oswestry Fr Warren Mitchell at 5pm on Saturday 1 July at Manchester Cathedral by the Bishop of Beverley Fr Lewis Oliver-Hemmings-Faye at 5pm on Saturday 1 July at Manchester Cathedral by the Bishop of Beverley Fr Al Thompson at 5pm on Saturday 1 July at Manchester Cathedral by the Bishop of Beverley Fr Andrew Bailey at 5pm on Sunday 2 July at St Andrew, Holborn by the Bishop of Fulham Fr John Hillman at 5pm on Sunday 2 July at St Andrew, Holborn by the Bishop of Fulham Fr Stephen Miller at 5pm on Sunday 2 July at St Andrew, Holborn by the Bishop of Fulham Fr Jordan Bentliff at 5.30pm on Sunday 2 July at St George, Chorley by the Bishop of Blackburn Fr Ryan Otley at 5.30pm on Sunday 2 July at St George, Chorley by the Bishop of Blackburn Fr Michael Dixon at 5.30pm on Sunday 2 July at Sheffield Cathedral by the Bishop of Beverley Fr Daniel Vickerstaff at 6.00pm on Tuesday 4 July at St John the Baptist, Leamington Spa by the Bishop of Oswestry
Ordinations to the EpiscopateFr Paul Thomas at 10.30am on Thursday 2 February at Canterbuy Cathedral by the Bishop of Chichester
* = Distinctive Deacon