2025 Posted on the 26th Mar 2015 in the category News
Fr Darren Smith responds to the latest statistics.
I was very interested to read the current statistics produced by the Church of England’s Ministry Division, which celebrates the fact that under 30s now make up a quarter of all people accepted for training for Church of England ministry. Encouragingly, the 2014 figures show that 116 under the age of 30 were accepted for training, the highest number for the last 25 years. A Church that for so long seems to have undervalued the contribution that young vocations can bring to priestly ministry, not least in terms of enthusiasm, new vision and energy, has sought to address this with the appointment of a young vocations advisor in the person of the Revd Liz Boughton. Min Div have come up with a number of new and imaginative schemes, such as Mission Apprentices and Young Vocations Champions in each diocese, in an attempt to target resources to this particular age group.
As Anglican Catholics, young vocations has actually been one of our areas of strength. Although we haven’t got exact figures, I think you only have to look at the age profile of Saint Stephen’s House to realise that this is something that we are achieving even with our limited resources and lack of Vocations Champions. Certainly the Here I Am Vocations Initiative, which has been running now for just under a year, has attempted to connect with this group. The overall age profile of our videos and advertising literature seeks to promote vocations to both the younger candidate and ethnically diverse candidate. When I was speaking to a church group on vocations recently a comment was made about the age profile of that particular congregation being perhaps higher than anybody would want. The person who made the comment also pointed out that many of our parishes seem to be in a similar position. I sometimes ask myself how is it that we are able to attract younger candidates if that is the case. I Indeed we can be proud of the fact that currently the youngest serving incumbent in the Church of England is a traditionalist (Fr Richard Norman). Surely this is something to do with the fact that we talk about a priestly way of life, the giving of the whole of oneself, and our young people are welcomed into the sanctuary. The majority of vocations are encouraged through the inspirational ministry of a particular parish priest. The beauty of our worship and the whole mystique of the Mass makes connections that are so very different from the trendy culture of Messy Church.
But let’s not get complacent, because the reality for all of the Church is that we constantly need to find new and imaginative ways of challenging people to think about their call to the priestly way of life. Our ministry should reflect a whole range of age profiles, and unless we continue to put all our energies into nurturing priestly vocations then we are bound to find not only a constant strain to fill vacant parishes but also little opportunity to take up the General Synod’s current encouragement in the Five Principles to flourish and grow.
The next Catholic Societies Vocations Conference is to be at Saint Stephen’s House, Oxford, on 28th-30th August. Further details can be found at or from the Additional Curates Society:, Mrs Ann Babington (0121 382 5533).
Posted on the 24th Mar 2015 in the category News
Unfortunately this event is cancelled
Youth MassThe Society of Mary North West Ward of Our Lady of VictoriesSaturday 2nd May
Richborough |
Wednesday 25 March |
7.30pm |
S Hugh, Ayres Monsell, Leicester |
Ebbsfleet |
Saturday 28th March |
12.00noon |
S Michael and All Angels, Heavitree, Exeter |
Richborough |
Saturday 28th March |
11.00am |
Guildford Cathedral |
Beverley |
Sunday 29th March |
6.00pm |
S Aidan, Grangetown, Sunderland |
Pontefract |
Sunday 29th March |
6.00pm |
Ss John & Barnabas, Belle Isle |
Beverley |
Monday 30th March |
12.00noon |
S Hilda, Grangetown, Middlesbrough |
Richborough |
Monday 30th March |
12.00noon |
Chelmsford Cathedral |
Beverley |
Tuesday 31st March |
11.30am |
Manchester Cathedral |
Burnley |
Tuesday 31st March |
11.00am |
S Andrew, Burnley |
More information |
Chichester |
Tuesday 31st March |
10.30am |
Chichester Cathedral* |
More information |
Ebbsfleet |
Tuesday 31st March |
11.30am |
Worcester Cathedral |
Fulham |
Tuesday 31st March |
11.30am |
S Augustine, Kilburn |
Richborough |
Tuesday 31st March |
12.00noon |
Canterbury Cathedral |
Beverley |
Wednesday 1st April |
12.00noon |
Ss John & Mary Magdalene, Goldthorpe |
Ebbsfleet |
Wednesday 1st April |
11.00am |
Lichfield Cathedral |
Richborough |
Wednesday 1st April |
12.00noon |
Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham |
*with renewal of ministerial vows - for all the clergy of the Diocese of Chichester.
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