2025 Posted on the 30th Apr 2019 in the category Events
The Council of Bishops encourages participation by Society parishes
Following the Ascension of Jesus, the apostles gathered together in devoted prayer, awaiting the descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. Since the time of the early Church, these nine days have been a particular focus for prayer, asking for the Holy Spirit to renew our faith and strengthen the Church and her work.
For several years now, the Church of England has joined with other denominations for the Thy Kingdom Come initiative, where we join together in prayer as we await the celebration of Pentecost. It is a time when we pray for the mission of God’s church, for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and for people in our lives who do not know that they are loved by God through Jesus Christ, and that the Holy Spirit will touch their hearts.
There are lots of resources on the Thy Kingdom Come website. As well as our own resources, I especially commend to you the resource ‘Journey with Mary’. Our Lady was there, with the apostles, as they waited in prayer for the coming of the Holy Spirit, and so she is a wonderful companion on our journey of prayer. Mary was the one who said ‘yes’ to God’s plan, who stood at the foot of the cross, and the one who waited in prayer for the Holy Spirit to kindle the fire of the early Church. May she join us on our journey as we pray for a new Pentecost and that Thy Kingdom Come.
Whatever resources you use, and events you may put on in your parishes, I encourage you all to pray that the Holy Spirit will touch the lives of many people this Pentecost.
If you arrange something, you may also wish to register it on the Thy Kingdom Come website.
Parishes of The Society running events as part of this initiative are encouraged to use the hashtags #TheSociety and #ThyKingdomCome when promoting them on social media.
The Rt Revd Tony Robinson Chairman of the Council of Bishops
Posted on the 4th Apr 2019 in the category Events
Bishops of The Society will be celebrating the following Chrism Masses:
*with renewal of ministerial vows - for all the clergy of the Diocese of Chichester.